
Reinforcement Learning Day 3 (Finite Markov Decision Processes)

  • Return, Policy and Value Function
  • Optimal Policies and Optimal Value Functions
  • Coursera False Questions
  • Optimality and Approximation
  • Summary
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MetaLearning Learning Note - 2

Stanford CS330: Multi-Task and Meta-Learning, 2019 | Lecture 3 - Optimization-Based Meta-Learning

  • Recap the probabilistic formulation of meta-learning
  • general recipe of meta-learning algorithm
  • black box adaption appraoches
  • optimization-based meta-learning algorithm
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I choose to learn meta-learning through the stanford’s coursework. Prof.Song and Dr.Xu ask me do some work around reinforcement learning and meta learning. Therefore, I choose to learn meta learning from stanford’s coursework by Chelsea Finn.

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Reinforcement Learning Day 2 (Multi-armed Bandits)

  • Q* Formula
  • Nonstationary problem
  • Optimistic Initial Value
  • Gradient Bandits Problem
  • Associative Search
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Insights for co-run HPC AND GPU taks - Day5 Try some examples for co-run HPC and ML tasks

Slurm Source Code Install | Cluster Deployment - Day4: Methods of Slurm to restrict resources

  • Support for Multi-core/Multi-thread Architectures (srun to control resources usage)
  • Consumable Resources in Slurm
  • Resource Binding
  • CPU Management User and Administrator Guide
  • GRES
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Slurm Source Code Install | Cluster Deployment - Day3 Deploy slurm