
Operating System Memory Address


When I do some system research work, I found it worth understanding the real implementation of every details of every components (file system, memory management, etc.). Thus, I want to start a new chapter here to records every notes and experience of reading books - Understanding the Linux Kernel, Third Edition 3rd Edition by Daniel P. Bovet. Hope after reading this books, I can understand every papers in the OSDI and figure out more useful, novel idea. Not only think without considering any real problems or architecture in the operating system.

Memory Adressing

  • Logical Address

    machine language instructions to specify the address of an operand or of an instructions. Each logical address consisits of a segment and an offset

  • Linear Address (virtual address)

    32 bit unsigned integer that can be used to address up to 4GB

  • physical address

    electrinical signals sent along the address pins of the microprocessors to the memory bus