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Using Deep Nerual Network in Tensorflow - Tensorflow Day 1
What is DNN(Deep Nerual Network)?
Refer to WatermelonBook, I introduce it in a past article.
DNN in Tensorflow
We use a iris flower data to simulate the real data.
And we build a dnn network.
The features in csv is 4 line and each line represents a feature of iris.
We use a DNN and train the model. the function name of DNN is
and the usage of DNN can be defined as follows:
- hidden_units:每层隐藏单元的 Iterable 数.所有层都完全连接.注意:[64, 32]意味着第一层有64个节点,第二层有32个节点.
- feature_columns:包含模型使用的所有特征列的iterable.集合中的所有项目都应该是从 _FeatureColumn 派生的类的实例.
- model_dir:用来保存模型参数,图形等的目录.这也可用于将检查点从目录加载到 estimator 中,以继续训练以前保存的模型.
- n_classes:标签类的数量.默认为 2,即二进制分类,必须大于1.
- weight_column:通过tf.feature_column.numeric_column 创建的一个字符串或者_NumericColumn,用来定义表示权重的特征列.在训练过程中,它用于降低权重或增加实例.它将乘以示例的损失.如果它是一个字符串,则被用作从特征中中获取权重张量的 key;如果是 _NumericColumn,则通过键 weight_column.key 获取原始张量,然后在其上应用 weight_column.normalizer_fn 以获得权重张量.
- label_vocabulary:字符串列表,表示可能的标签值.如果给定,标签必须是字符串类型,并且 label_vocabulary 具有任何值.如果没有给出,这意味着标签已经被编码为整数或者在[0,1]内浮动, n_classes=2 ;并且被编码为{0,1,…,n_classes-1}中的整数值,n_classes> 2.如果没有提供词汇表并且标签是字符串,也会出现错误.
- optimizer:tf.Optimizer 用于训练模型的实例.默认为 Adagrad 优化器.
activation_fn:激活函数应用于每个层.如果为 None,将使用 tf.nn.relu. - dropout:当不是 None 时,我们将放弃给定坐标的概率.
- input_layer_partitioner: (可选)输入层分区.默认为 min_max_variable_partitioner 与 min_slice_size64 << 20.
config:RunConfig 对象配置运行时设置.
1 | feature_columns =[tf.contrib.layers.real_valued_column("",dimension=4] |
In general Tensorflow work, we set a batch for each episode. And the meaning of batch is following,:
In a deeplearning network, generally, we sum all of error/gradient and retrieve learning rate * the mean of gradient value. Use these value to update the network in that batch. As a result, we only do a foward once in a batch deep learning.
Future Work
I will introduce the source code of the dnn network and explain how a batch push data to antoher batch. And the real running process of a dnn network.