

In particular, we focus on four topics. First, we present a taxonomy of instruction set alternatives and give some qualitative assessment of the advantages and disadvantages of various approaches. Second, we present and analyze some instruction set measurements that are largely independent of a specific instruction set. Third, we address the issue of languages and compilers and their bearing on instruction set architecture. Finally, the “Putting It All Together” section shows how these ideas are reflected in the RISC-V instruction set, which is typical of RISC architectures.

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Got two certifications from RL in Alberta, I feel I understand more concepts in RL. Keep going! The third part - I see it’s related to the GD & function approximation.

  • Introduction
  • Value-function Approximation
  • The Prediction Objective (VE)
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最近很多科研工作要做,但是就是不想做,想整七整八。所以今天来折腾下路由器。极路由1S, 5661A。还是很有意思的。

看着本科16年买的极路由1S,虽然公司倒闭了,但是路由器的开发版,我仔细看了下论坛,应该是现在破解方式比较多的路由器之一。不过实话说2.4G HZ还是有点慢。等有时间了还是想新换一个方便刷机的2.4G, 5G WIFI 6路由器。但我去业界看了下,竟然很少有WIFI 6的 openwrt的系统。Glinet有一个,但是好贵,而且没开始卖。我有点春春欲动想去学了写一个。但是最近实在太忙,还是再放放。澳洲了有空闲时间一定要来试下。

暂时考虑着之后组网会有一个full control的路由器,所以还是把这个作为科学上网的中继路由。简单记录一下心酸的刷机历程。之后很多会员使用可能都需要先在中介科学上网路由刷下DNS再弄.

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  1. 对硬件进行管理和抽象
  2. 为应用提供服务并进行管理 - 服务应用, 管理应用

Recently, because of limit of memory, my macbook will run slowly when I open several applications, coding, and do some paperwork at the same time. Thus, I bought a new macbook pro 2021 - M1 chip. However, there are lots of data need to migrate to the new macbook. And there are some difference between m1 and intel chip. This blogs give some hints for migration between the computer.

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  • 8.4. Prioritized Sweeping
  • 8.5 Expected vs. Sample Updates
  • 8.6 Trajectory Sampling
  • 8.7 Real-time Dynamic Programming
  • 8.8 Planning at Decision Times
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  • Preface
  • 8.1 Models and Planning
  • 8.2 Dyna: Integrated Planning, Acting, and Learning
  • 8.3 When the Model Is Wrong
  • What is a Model?
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